
 I am Niels,

There are so many things I could tell you about myself.  I will limit it to 3 Key points from my Past, present, and Potential!

To Start: I have lived in CA since 2000 but am originally from Holland, MI.  I was given the gift of grind when I left my home town at the age of 18. i moved 3000 miles across the country to carve my own path. There have been many paths I have learned from.  most notably has been my path through Fatherhood! This path started in 2009, 2 years after meeting my soul mate, Marisa.

Currently:  My mission is to be the best father I can and help other men to do the same.  I have an amazing wife and we have been blessed with 4 amazing Children.   With lots of love and many learning opportunities we can say: having 4 kids is the best!  If you have ever met me you would know my catch phrase “Living The Dream”.   Many people chuckle when this rolls off my lips while I am walking into a store with all my kids in toe. But each time I say it, it is intentional and inspirational.  you see there is nothing more valuable than perspective.  This greeting always reminds me that I am Living the Dream.  My life’s dream has been to have a large, loving family to call my own.  that being said I am “Living the dream.”

My Dream! 

 I am inspired by everyone allowing themselves to Live Their Dream as well.

Dreams to be realized:  There are many dreams that I have, but most important dream is for me to realize my potential.  

I have walked a unique path that has given me tools to help millions of people, and the world as a whole.  I am committed to standing on the side of the people and creating a healthy, happy life for all who envision it.  Join me on this journey and let me support you in yours!

Home Town: Holland, Michigan


Color: Orange

Food: Enchiladas

Place: Home, Where my wife and kids are!

Song: Make yourself (incubus)

Movie: Ironman, thor, pretty much anything Marvel!

Sport to play: Basketball

Sport to watch: football

Hobby: Woodworking, or cooking depends on the day.

topic to discuss: Parenting

Book: The Surrender experiment By Michael Singer

Restaurant: Local Tap House, Oceanside

Past time: Bowling


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